Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Losing Steam

A once proud and mighty ship with sails extended to catch a wind that fails to arrive. Something must give. Surely this will pass, but not soon enough. Dilemma, loss of hope and apathy. Dreadful feelings that one would rather not endure, yet ever present they are.

There once was....but will it return? Will it reveal itself? So the journey continues, rudderless, without steam....LOST.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Pleasant discovery

I went out for a nice ride yesterday afternoon after spending the morning watching two World Cup matches. It was great to get out on the road especially since I haven't been riding much lately, with the exception of going to the gym and taking care of some errands. I've been caught up with futbol since June 11 and will most likely be tied up with it until the finale.

Anyway, I'm a fan of the composer Chopin aka the poet of the piano. Remarkable and beautiful his works are indeed. I've appreciated his music since I was a child and is still my favorite of the well known classical composers. I discovered a few weeks past that the LA County Museum of Arts presents weekly recitals on Sunday afternoons. They are free and open to the public which is great in these harsh economic times. Well, after my ride up PCH I cruised over to LACMA and arrived just in time. I was able to observe two performances: 1) a cellist and pianist and 2) a pianist and a soprano vocalist. I enjoyed the first performance the most since I'm not into opera style singing.

It's nice to know and experience small pleasure such as these....a pleasant Sunday afternoon it was.....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

In a rut...

I've been pretty gloom lately. Seems like a cornucopia of negativity and overall discontent has encompassed me. I can easily identify the major components of my current state: My knee and the fact after a year I'm in the same place with it AND that I need another surgery, and the inability to find suitable employment after so many months. Sure I work here and there but, it's nothing concrete and definitely not gratifying.

Riding my bike brings me peace, but let's face it I can't ride all the time. I'm disappointed with life at the moment....not good. I figure I post this here since I'm not the type to pester others with my problems. I may seek the counsel of others on minor issues in my life, however, I don't like to impose my issues on others. Everyone has problems and I'm no different.

I really hope things change soon 'cause I'm feeling mighty miserable lately.........

Friday, June 11, 2010

The joy, the unexpected, the sorrow

Life sometimes presents surprises that are unexpected. Some are joyous, while others not so much...then you have those that are sad yet disguised as blissful and vice versa. I'm glad I've had the benefit of partaking in both. At times I may feel resentment and anger at the sad and hurtful expereinces, but in the end it shapes part of me. I must look back at those moments of melancholy as positive experiences for if I had not lived them....I would not be me.

Sometimes you experience moments that are great and full of gratification....but later feel not so great about said experiences....the paradox of it all......

I probably don't make much sense right now, but then again life doesn't make sense to me many times.

And I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them.
In my life I loved you more

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The fourth Reich has risen

The actions by the state of Israel have never been benevolent towards humanity. The recent actions by that oppressive country on a humanitarian mission echos this reality. I am appalled, saddened but more enraged that the actions of this nation goes unchecked.

Because the USA does not have the balls to impose a sanction or condemnation of Israeli atrocities, I can only hope that IRAN gains a nuclear presence to finally check the state of Israel.

I am for peace and I am for equality....ISRAEL REPRESENTS NONE OF THOSE HUMAN PRINCIPLES!!!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Arizona's Illegal Immigrant Law

My first reaction to Arizona’s SB1070 was, “It’s about fucking time!” I wasn’t aware at the time of the racial profiling this law creates until later. Nonetheless, I still don’t feel angry about this matter. Truth is I agree with the principle behind this law. I agree that there are too many illegal immigrants in this country draining our resources and committing crimes. I also feel the majority of these people come to the country to better themselves and improve their respective families’ lives.
So many countries throughout the world do not tolerate illegal immigrants yet the world expects the US to take care of them regardless of the effects upon our nation. What truly enrages me is when I see Mexican government officials condemning our laws as discriminatory. To them I say this: is it not illegal for a non-Mexican to own property in Mexico? Doesn’t Mexico deport numerous Central Americans because they are illegal? Hypocrites! Perhaps if the rest of the world took better care of its citizens and respective countries we wouldn’t have such a dilemma on our hands.
One thing that holds illegal immigrants back is their lack of assimilation. I’m certain that if more would actually learn to speak English and learn about this country’s history and traditions we would be better off as would the immigrants.
I don’t claim to have a solution to illegal immigration and I acknowledge it is a matter we must deal with soon. Arizona has the right idea, but the wrong approach.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Let it be known that I don’t always focus on negativity in my updates for I have the following to state: As I close out this week I want to thank the following for making my life more pleasant and gratifying (please note that my sense of appreciation is not listed in order of significance, but in what presents itself to my mind at the time of composition).
1) My Dad-My true best friend. The most compassionate man I know and my guide in life. I can only strive to be half the man he is, for my father possess the intelligence of a scholar and the cunning of a king.
2) My sister: I never tire of speaking with my little chubby. Varinia has become one of the most intelligent and cogent humans I have encountered. I am deeply honored and gratified that she is my sister. I adore her with all I have.
3) Mom-Above all YOU are the light of MY LIFE. My earliest and fondest memories are of YOU. The love I hold for you is unmatched. You are without a doubt my strongest love in my life.
4) My friends: Eduardo , Miguel, Edgar…I love you guys and I thank you for being in my life. Wonderful moments all of us have shared.
I reflect only on this week, but I think of all my friends and family that have touched my life. I am fortunate to have you all….and I do mean ALL!